Rural Landscapes

Rural Landscapes

Being LoST in rural landscapes holds a special place in my heart and in the ways I experience landscapes. The understanding of ‘rural’ has changed over the years – from something that ‘isn’t urban’ to now something that provides multiple meanings to people and has multiple components of economic activities. Our understandings shift to seeing rural landscapes as parts of broader socio-economic systems and processes.


Still, there are differences is scale, in facilities and in services. LoST in rural landscapes provide opportunities to see the ways activities have sculptured rural landscapes and the ways communities live in them.


For more information go to the link Rural Landscapes or go to LoST Experiences and check out the categories and tags.


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National Parks | Protected Areas
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Mountains | Valleys
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Alpine National Park
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Sunset, rock pools and leaves Klong Khon beach 2 (1 of 1)
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Village Himalaya
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#393939″]Rural Landscapes[/custom_font]
Desert landscape, Grand Canyon (1 of 1)
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#393939″]Deserts[/custom_font]
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