Mountains and Valleys

Mountains | Valleys
Mountains and Valleys

The different meanings people give to mountains and valleys provide important understandings for us as LoST travellers.


There are now few meanings that associate mountains with being the homes of witches, monsters and the end of the earth. But there are multiple other meanings that are important to local communities, First Nations people and LoST travellers. These range from being the home of Gods and spirits, to being tied into creation stories, to bestowing personhood on mountains to protect them. Increasingly, through commercial recreation, mountains are being changed to economic commodities and their peaks purchased (Sagarmatha/Mt Everest is just one example).


Recognising and understanding the meanings of the mountains through which we travel provides us with a deep engagement with mountain landscapes. Their multiple meanings are the meanings of the people who live, or have lived, in them.


For more information go to the following links: Mountains,  Valleys.  Or go to LoST Experiences and check out the categories and tags.


#LSTmountains or #LoSTmountains on Twitter and Instagram


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Mountains | Valleys
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