LoST by pedals

LoST by Pedals

For LoST travellers, cycling is a great fit. It allows us to take our travels further afield, because it allows us to travel further, yet still stay connected and engaged to landscapes and their communities.


Ernest Hemingway wrote:

It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them (By-Line: selected articles and dispatches of four decades).


Some of my greatest experiences while riding have been connected to landscapes – the sudden chill as you pass through a frost hollow, a sight of mist rising above a river, the smell of freshly cut and moist grass, the early budding of vines which are leaving winter behind, the smell of the tent at night.


These can be experienced on rides to work, on day tours, on multi-day expeditions. They all provide opportunities to feel the contours, to smell the landscape, to listen to sounds. Yes it is about contours, but through contours, it is also about experiencing the landscape in a multiplicity of ways.


Find out more at the links Cycling and Cycle Touring or by going to LoST Experiences and checking out other categories and tags.


#LSTcycling on Twitter or Instagram

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