Getting LoST

Ready to learn more?

Here’s your starting point to learn more about the essence of travelling slowly by feet, pedals and paddles. Jump off here, either using the links below or the tabs above, to discover more about what local slow travel is, what it means for us as travellers and what it means for the communities and the landscapes where we travel.


LoST is an engagement with communities, landscapes and ourselves, so there’s information that is both practical and reflective. This is integrating thinking about what slow travel means with the ways we do it.


Enjoy your discoveries.

[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#393939″]Local slow travel[/custom_font]
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#393939″]Lost travellers[/custom_font]
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#393939″]Lost travelling[/custom_font]
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#393939″]Lost in landscapes[/custom_font]