LST Collaboration Hub

The LST Collaboration Hub

I’m currently developing an on-line collaboration space (the LST Collaboration Hub – LST being Localities. Sustainabilities. Transformations.) where we can share ideas and experiences. These draw on my 30+ years working with communities, landscapes, resilience and travel as well as that of its members. This diversity allows us to expand our ideas and understanding and through this we can continue to contribute to communities, sustainability and resilience through our travels.


It’ll also act as a knowledge hub where we can also extend our ideas, understanding and actions. As someone interested in being LoST in slow travel, there’ll be opportunities for you to meet other members sharing similar interests. Even though you’re joining because you’re interested in being LoST in slow travel, you’ll also find members of the Hub with other interests as well – but all focused on the connection between communities, their landscapes and sustainable futures.


The LST Collaboration Hub and its collaboration areas will always be free. But if you want to go deeper, from there you’ll also have access to premium options for workshops, discussion spaces and more structured courses.  Premium options have a fee.


We’ll let you know when this is finalised through this page. We’re aiming for launch around the end of June 2023. So come back regularly or send me an email and I’ll make sure you’re updated.

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[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#848484″]LoST travellers[/custom_font]
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#848484″]LoST travelling[/custom_font]
[custom_font font_family=”Yanone Kaffeesatz” font_size=”20″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”400″ text_decoration=”none” text_shadow=”no” color=”#848484″]LoST in landscapes[/custom_font]