Category: Coasts

  • Redwood forests and coasts of California

    Barbara Jane Reyes has written a beautiful piece for The New York Times on redwood forests and the coasts of California. In it, Reyes reflects on the nature of place, forests, and coasts. You can find it here.

  • On small travel

    Small travel in the time of COVID has become incredibly important. Alexander Lobrano has written a beautiful piece published in The New York Times on 21 July 2021 and available here. The piece, ‘Making discovery, not distance, travel’s point’ is a celebration of travel in general, of small travel in particular and of the joy of discovering place. There is one line which sums up so much:

    ‘This kind of small-brush-stroke travel is intimately valuable, too, because it teaches us where we live and who we are. ‘

    Enjoy this wonderful piece. You can also read some more ideas of the essence of local slow travel here and more about people and place here.

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